103 Maiden Ln, Avalon, CA 90704 - For Sale
Elmer Grey, F.A.I.A. The J.C. and Gertrude White Coppage Residence, 1927. Fondly named La Casa Gaviota' after the soaring gulls, this classic Spanish Colonial Revival Residence retains its historic character, as well as a commanding bird's eye view of the Town and Avalon harbor. An iconic Island landmark, this exclusive residence, designed for grand entertaining, is one of a handful of architectural treasures clearly visible from well offshore. The property is conveniently located at the corner of Maiden Lane and Crescent Avenue, and is just a short walk to ocean front shops, hotels, and the famed Casino. Over 4000 feet of carefully proportioned living space features 7 Bedrooms, two of which are suites, and 5 Bathrooms, butler's pantry, formal dining room, office, hardwood floors, and an outdoor loggia.
103 Maiden Ln - listing #438539
- Type: Single Family House
- Price: $3,900,000
- MLS#: 22135795
- Letest update: 08/31/11
- Bedrooms: 7
- Bathrooms: 3&1/2
- Fire Place: Gas & Wood, Living Room
- Area Size (SF): 4,170 sqft
Status: For Sale
Added: 2011-08-31 Updated: 2011-08-31
Avalon, CA 90704 US
for more details.

Useful information about Avalon, CA 90704 location:
The population of this area is about 3,696. The Average count of Households in this area is 1,977. Black population is about 31, White Population is about 2,615, Hispanic Population is about 1,639, Asian Population is about 33, Hawaiian Population is about 7, Indian Population is about 38, Other Population is about 771. Average Houses in this area is 388,100. Average Income per Household is $39,840. Median Age of population is 33.0 years.
103 Maiden Ln, Avalon, CA 90704 on the Map:
Listing #438539 on Google Street View:
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