829 Park Rd, Piru, CA 93040 - For Sale
The Newhall Mansion in Piru is one of Southern Cal?s most famous properties. Just 30 mins from Burbank or the Ventura coastline, this 1894 Queen Anne-style mansion was faithfully reconstructed by owners Scott & Ruth Newhall in 1983, resulting in an historic masterpiece with the finest craftsmanship. Breathtaking views plus newer swimming pool, cabana, 2BR/1BA caretaker home, and numerous fountains make this home the ultimate private retreat and entertainment setting.The property easily generates 65K+/yr through location rents and monthly lease of 2nd home, and can do much more. It is also Mills Act-qualified but seller has withheld application in order to provide max flexibility to buyer and preserve the 40% property tax reduction once approved. With accessible water sports at Lakes Piru and Castaic and Lennar Corp?s pending 23,000-unit Newhall Ranch development a few miles east of the home, this area should see tremendous appreciation potential in coming years. The Warring Stone House is available for sale by same owner (MLS #F1864403), in addition to 18 adjacent acres that may be negotiated thru separate seller. Lease option possible and owner will carry. Who will write the next chapter of this storied property?
829 Park Rd - listing #442898
- Type: Single Family House
- Price: $2,299,000
- MLS#: F1851210
- Letest update: 09/01/11
- Bedrooms: 6
- Bathrooms: 7&1/2
- Flooring: Bamboo, Ceramic Tile, Hardwood
- Fire Place: Gas Log Fireplace (N), Living Room, Master Bedroom, Family Room, Den
- Area Size (SF): 11,500 sqft
Status: For Sale
Added: 2011-09-01 Updated: 2011-09-01
Piru, CA 93040 US
for more details.

Useful information about Piru, CA 93040 location:
The population of this area is about 1,449. The Average count of Households in this area is 393. Black population is about 3, White Population is about 762, Hispanic Population is about 1,039, Asian Population is about 20, Hawaiian Population is about 0, Indian Population is about 48, Other Population is about 571. Average Houses in this area is 170,200. Average Income per Household is $41,098. Median Age of population is 28.6 years.
829 Park Rd, Piru, CA 93040 on the Map:
Listing #442898 on Google Street View:
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