12n988 Engel Rd, Burlington, IL 60109 - For Sale
Custom Brick ranch on 4.6 acres adjacent to IL Nature Preserve and new large Kane County Forest Preserve. At rear of property is a large pond with a small cabin/storage bldg & an old fashion "Outhouse". Oversized windows in formal LR & DR overlook park like setting, English bsmt family rm w/impressive brick FP and wet bar, large bonus rm plus storage/utility rm. Fruit trees, grape arbor and many perennials
12n988 Engel Rd - listing #445263
- Type: Single Family House
- Price: $275,000
- MLS#: 07804185
- Letest update: 09/01/11
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2
- Fire Place: Family Room, Wood Burning
- Area Size (SF): -
Status: For Sale
Added: 2011-09-01 Updated: 2011-09-01
Burlington, IL 60109 US
for more details.

Useful information about Burlington, IL 60109 location:
The population of this area is about 158. The Average count of Households in this area is 65. Black population is about 0, White Population is about 150, Hispanic Population is about 3, Asian Population is about 0, Hawaiian Population is about 0, Indian Population is about 0, Other Population is about 1. Average Houses in this area is 136,400. Average Income per Household is $52,500. Median Age of population is 32.0 years.
12n988 Engel Rd, Burlington, IL 60109 on the Map:
Listing #445263 on Google Street View:
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