106 Tripp St, Bedford Corners, NY 10549 - For Sale
Inspired by great homes of Normandy, designed by Dinyar Waddia, this manor home stands magically atop 22 lavish acres of french gardens, pastures with views that stretch to the Hudson Valley hills. The Equestrian Facilities were built for Flim Flam, Olympic Bronze Medalist. Riding past the koi pond and hacking trails to train in the outdoor manege is delightful; so are the custom designed stables,2 full apartments T/O squares, round pen, pastures.Guest space+garages in the Carriage House. Unique
106 Tripp St - listing #458238
- Type: Single Family House
- Price: $8,000,000
- MLS#: 3116517
- Letest update: 09/01/11
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 5&1/2
- Fire Place: Fireplace
- Area Size (SF): 6,608 sqft
Status: For Sale
Added: 2011-09-01 Updated: 2011-09-01
Bedford Corners, NY 10549 US
for more details.
Useful information about Mount Kisco, NY 10549 location:
The population of this area is about 15,327. The Average count of Households in this area is 5,940. Black population is about 669, White Population is about 12,812, Hispanic Population is about 2,643, Asian Population is about 567, Hawaiian Population is about 0, Indian Population is about 31, Other Population is about 937. Average Houses in this area is 375,800. Average Income per Household is $75,761. Median Age of population is 37.4 years.
106 Tripp St, Bedford Corners, NY 10549 on the Map:
Listing #458238 on Google Street View:
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