8182b Route 183, Strausstown, PA 19559 - For Sale
Welcome to a spectacular setting. Restored and expanded 1800s brick, stone and frame Gentleman's farm. Two huge ponds, Mill race around the front of the residential dwelling, leading to a brick and stone 10,000 square foot grain mill. 16 car detached garage building. Huge bank barn and attached office and retail area. The property consists of 22.31 acres m/l. Their are three deeds to this farm and three seperate taxes. House and 12 acres m/l ID # 87-4432-00-74-7933.Taxes ($5,291.00) Mill and 4.52 acres m/l ID # 87-4432-00-84-2805 Taxes ($5,268.00) Bank Barn, office and retail area 5.79 acres m/l ID # 87-4432-00-75-6235 Taxes ($ 5,149.00 ). The subject properties are in THREE DIFFERENT ZONING DISTRICTS R-1, C-3, I-1. This property has lots of potential. Close to route 78. Listing agent must accompany all showings.
8182b Route 183 - listing #475607
- Type: Single Family House
- Price: $1,350,000
- MLS#: 5906401
- Letest update: 09/04/11
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 2&1/2
- Flooring: Wood, Vinyl, Fully Carpeted, Tile/Brick
- Fire Place: BrickFirePl
- Area Size (SF): 2,829 sqft
Status: For Sale
Added: 2011-09-04 Updated: 2011-09-04
Strausstown, PA 19559 US
for more details.

Useful information about Strausstown, PA 19559 location:
The population of this area is about 339. The Average count of Households in this area is 146. Black population is about 0, White Population is about 333, Hispanic Population is about 2, Asian Population is about 5, Hawaiian Population is about 0, Indian Population is about 0, Other Population is about 0. Average Houses in this area is 89,000. Average Income per Household is $38,125. Median Age of population is 36.6 years.
8182b Route 183, Strausstown, PA 19559 on the Map:
Listing #475607 on Google Street View:
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