205 River Rd, Point Pleasant, PA 18950 - For Sale
Nestled in the Delaware River Valley and perched high on a hillside is this petite retreat, fitting for those coveting a weekend cottage or looking for smaller, more intimate space. Beautiful in any season, this cozy stone and frame farmhouse is great for buyers seeking an idyllic setting in beautiful Tinicum Township with frontage along the historic Delaware Canal. First class landscaping - beautifully designed and sculpted - features stone retaining walls, specimen plantings and trees, patio, deck and meandering paths . Charming interior elements include gleaming hardwood floors, exposed beams, stone fireplace, sun-drenched kitchen and picture perfect vistas framed out each window. Additional 320 square feet of space in the adjacent barn/workshop offers possibilities for an art studio, office or workspace. Impeccably nurtured, both inside and out, this sweet home is waiting for you!
205 River Rd - listing #475919
- Type: Single Family House
- Price: $574,900
- MLS#: 5883482
- Letest update: 09/04/11
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 1&1/2
- Flooring: Wood, Fully Carpeted, Tile/Brick
- Fire Place: WoodStove, StoneFirePl, LR/GRFireP
- Area Size (SF): 1,256 sqft
Status: For Sale
Added: 2011-09-04 Updated: 2011-09-04
Point Pleasant, PA 18950 US
for more details.

Useful information about Point Pleasant, PA 18950 location:
The population of this area is about 0. The Average count of Households in this area is 0. Black population is about 0, White Population is about 0, Hispanic Population is about 0, Asian Population is about 0, Hawaiian Population is about 0, Indian Population is about 0, Other Population is about 0. Average Houses in this area is 0. Average Income per Household is $0. Median Age of population is 0.0 years.
205 River Rd, Point Pleasant, PA 18950 on the Map:
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