29 Baldwin St, Pennington, NJ 08534 - For Sale
At last a four possibly five bedroom is on the market on a tree lined street in desirable Pennington Woods. Upon entering, a dramatic living room with a fireplace warmly welcomes one into this contemporary Colonial. With an open floor plan in all the right places this home is very versatile. A bright dining room with plenty of sunshine flows into the kitchen with light cabinetry, granite countertops and a center island. The kitchen opens to a familyroom on one side and a sunroom on the other. The quiet den has an attached first floor bath and is well suited to be a first floor bedroom. A winding stair leads to the second floor with four bedrooms and two baths. A grand master bedroom suite offers a windowed sitting room and a deluxe master bath. Two bedrooms share a bath and the other offers skylights and a closet. Nature watch from the large outdoor deck into the fenced yard that backs to preserved land. The basement has plenty of storage space or potential to be finished. Your wait is over!
29 Baldwin St - listing #497738
- Type: Single Family House
- Price: $635,000
- MLS#: 5902761
- Letest update: 09/08/11
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 3
- Flooring: Wood, Fully Carpeted
- Fire Place: LR/GRFireP
- Area Size (SF): -
Status: For Sale
Added: 2011-09-08 Updated: 2011-09-08
Pennington, NJ 08534 US
for more details.
Useful information about Pennington, NJ 08534 location:
The population of this area is about 11,556. The Average count of Households in this area is 4,260. Black population is about 281, White Population is about 10,555, Hispanic Population is about 255, Asian Population is about 522, Hawaiian Population is about 1, Indian Population is about 6, Other Population is about 56. Average Houses in this area is 256,500. Average Income per Household is $92,628. Median Age of population is 38.9 years.
29 Baldwin St, Pennington, NJ 08534 on the Map:
Listing #497738 on Google Street View:
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