10767 Jamacha Blvd. # 134, Spring Valley, CA 91978 - For Sale
Located in Lamplighter Village. Ultra large (1,984’) 4 bedroom manufactured home located on huge corner lot. This home has the most spacious and open floor plan that I have ever seen, its open floor plan gives you a sense of freedom. All four bedrooms are very large. The master bedroom has a view of local hills, and the master bathroom has a beautiful garden tub, shower and has dual sinks. This home has a split floor plan meaning the master bedroom is on one side of the home and the other 3 rooms are on the other side of the home. The large living room has a built in book case and a fan/light combo. The separate living room has a real wood burning fireplace. The kitchen has an open floor plan and includes an island, a very large side by side stainless steel refrigerator, stainless steel stove and several kitchen cabinets. There is a front yard, a large side yard and the biggest back yard area I have ever seen in a park. With the fenced yard the children and pets would have plenty of room to play. The view in the back yard is worth a million dollars! There is an open nature area behind the home with a view of the local hills. Motivated seller will consider any reasonable offer. Contact Gene at (619) 249-7943, hablo espanol. Mobile, Modular, Trailer, Pre Fab, Manufactured. STK#LLV134GR, SR#768U/X. Features include: Hard Panel Ceilings, Carport, Storage Shed, Thermopane Windows, Ceiling Fan, Skylight, Fireplace, Central Air, Walk-in Closet, Laundry Room, Gas Heat Included appliances: Microwave, Oven, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Clothes Washer, Clothes Dryer Monthly costs include: Lot Rent: $1,035.00 Finance terms: Cal vet, conventional, private financing available OAC. Contact: Gene Roque Pacific Manufactured Homes Phone: (619) 249-7943 Fax: (619) 449-3804 Send an email to this seller License # SP1127728
10767 Jamacha Blvd. # 134 - listing #748074
- Type: Mobile
- Price: $65,500
- Letest update: 09/13/12
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 2
Status: For Sale
Added: 2012-06-14 Updated: 2012-09-13
Spring Valley, CA 91978 US
(619) 249-7943 for more details.
Useful information about Spring Valley, CA 91978 location:
The population of this area is about 7,843. The Average count of Households in this area is 2,909. Black population is about 513, White Population is about 5,893, Hispanic Population is about 1,371, Asian Population is about 321, Hawaiian Population is about 52, Indian Population is about 51, Other Population is about 571. Average Houses in this area is 198,300. Average Income per Household is $46,853. Median Age of population is 36.0 years.
10767 Jamacha Blvd. # 134, Spring Valley, CA 91978 on the Map:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Gene Roque
Company Name: Pacific Manufactured Homes
Phone#: (619) 249-7943
Fax#: (619) 449-3804