17695 Washington Ave. Lot 27, Dumfries, VA 22026 - For Sale
Located in Cedar Knoll Mobile Home Park - learn more about this mobile home community. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION is a big seller of this home. it is convenient to everything, Northern Virginia, Fredericksburg, Quantico, as well as shopping, banks, etc.This is a cute and well kept doublewide, one owner shows in the care taken of this home. New carpet has been installed and the home is ready for your family. Best of all,the owner of this home is willing to do OWNER FINANCING with $20,000.00 and low monthly payments.Own your own home with second chance credit fianancing.This 3BR/2BA located in the heart of Dumfries will not last long. Call to view the home, this small manufactured home community is the best kept secret in Northern Virginia, ask for Beverly at 540-834-9598. Features include: Hard Panel Ceilings, Papered Walls, Cathedral Ceiling, Central Air, Walk-in Closet, Laundry Room, Pantry, Garden Tub, Gas Heat Included appliances: Microwave, Oven, Refrigerator, Clothes Washer, Clothes Dryer Monthly costs include: Lot Rent: $550.00 Finance terms: This home will quailfy for a bank loan with one of our many lenders, also owner financing is an option. Call for Details.
17695 Washington Ave. Lot 27 - listing #829693
- Price: 39,900
- Letest update: 08/20/13
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2
- Area Size (SF): 28 x 48
Status: For Sale
Added: 2012-11-27 Updated: 2013-08-20
Dumfries, VA 22026 US
(540) 834-9598 for more details.

Useful information about Dumfries, VA 22026 location:
The population of this area is about 22,026. The Average count of Households in this area is 7,607. Black population is about 5,462, White Population is about 14,519, Hispanic Population is about 1,586, Asian Population is about 630, Hawaiian Population is about 20, Indian Population is about 90, Other Population is about 541. Average Houses in this area is 157,500. Average Income per Household is $71,850. Median Age of population is 31.6 years.
17695 Washington Ave. Lot 27, Dumfries, VA 22026 on the Map:
Listing #829693 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Beverly Morris
Company Name: Premier Home Brokers, Inc.
Phone#: (540) 834-9598