155 N. Ford Road Lot 24, Mansfield, OH 44905 - For Sale
Located in Waterfall Senior Estates - learn more about this mobile home community. Age-Restricted (55+) Community This home has all new carpet, tile and laminate wood flooring. Brand new vanities in both bedrooms. It has replacement thermal windows as well. This is a fantatic home at the right price in a very quiet park 55 and older. Home is on large lot with woods behind. Will consider pouring concrete for carport. Home must stay in park and will require a lot lease. Seller is park owner. RENT TO OWN with $3000 down. Rate and term negotiable. Or pay CASH for discount ant free lot rent for 3 months.Lot rent includes water and sewer!! Features include: Hard Panel Ceilings, Carport, Storage Shed, Gutters, Deck, Thermopane Windows, Cathedral Ceiling, Central Air, Laundry Room, Garden Tub, Gas Heat Monthly costs include: Lot Rent: $265 Finance terms: I will financing the home with a minimum down payment of $3000&$300 a month. I will finance at 6% interest for the balance with no penalty for early payoff. Buyer to pay and keep current all taxes. Will give 3 months free lot rent for cash buyer!!
155 N. Ford Road Lot 24 - listing #851993
- Price: 16,995
- Letest update: 12/05/13
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2
- Area Size (SF): 16 x 76
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-01-15 Updated: 2013-12-05
Mansfield, OH 44905 US
(330) 421-2589 for more details.
![155 N. Ford Road Lot 24, Mansfield, OH photo](https://images.freerealestateresources.com/NA.jpg)
Useful information about Mansfield, OH 44905 location:
The population of this area is about 12,747. The Average count of Households in this area is 5,503. Black population is about 433, White Population is about 12,023, Hispanic Population is about 104, Asian Population is about 58, Hawaiian Population is about 2, Indian Population is about 29, Other Population is about 36. Average Houses in this area is 76,400. Average Income per Household is $35,352. Median Age of population is 39.1 years.
155 N. Ford Road Lot 24, Mansfield, OH 44905 on the Map:
Listing #851993 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: John MacFarland
Company Name: Waterfall Senior Estates
Phone#: (330) 421-2589