Home - Mobile Homes - NM - Albuquerque - 87106 - 1907 Buena Vista SE Lot 181

1907 Buena Vista SE Lot 181, Albuquerque, NM 87106 - For Sale

Located in University Village Mobile Home Park. SUPER CLEAN AND READY TO MOVE INTO, 14x66 3bed / 2bath home. This home has been wonderfully remodeled. Full repaint from top to bottom, Rich wood laminate flooring in kitchen, hall, utility,& baths. New carpet and pad installed, newer gas water heater in 2012, single piece tub / shower surround, new toilets and bath vanities. All appliances will remain with the home, gas range, nice 2 door fridge, dishwasher, washer and dryer.This is a FABULOUS BUY at $15,900.Quiet gated SE park with pool, access to private park and basketball court. Lot rent includes water, sewer, trash and storage shed. Club house can be rented for small fee for your parties. Close to New Mexico University, CNM with Easy access to I-25, Kirtland Air Force Base, Va Hospital via Gibson Blvd. UNM Hospital, Presbyterian Hospital and airport just minutes away! Close to the PIT (basketball), UNM football stadium& Isotopes baseball park for those sports fans. For added information contact Tom at 1-505-463-2866 Features include: Drywall Ceilings, Panel Walls, Deck, Gas Heat Included appliances: Oven, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Clothes Washer, Clothes Dryer Monthly costs include: Lot Rent: $380, Prop Taxes: $8 Finance terms: Cash or Owner Financing available with 35% down ($5,565) 36 months payments of $349 per month Contact: Thomas Kuehn Sandia Affordable Homes Phone: (505) 463-2866 Send an email to this seller Website: sandiamobilehomes.com License # D 01178

1907 Buena Vista SE Lot 181 - listing #877775

  • Type: Mobile
  • Price: $15,900
  • Letest update: 03/15/13
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bathrooms: 2
Real estate listing #877775
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-03-15 Updated: 2013-03-15
Address: 1907 Buena Vista SE Lot 181,
Albuquerque, NM 87106 US
Price: $15,900
Please contact Thomas Kuehn at
(505) 463-2866 for more details.
Thomas Kuehn
 1907 Buena Vista SE Lot 181, Albuquerque, NM photo
Listing #877775 pictures gallery:

Useful information about Albuquerque, NM 87106 location:

The population of this area is about 25,578. The Average count of Households in this area is 12,363. Black population is about 1,135, White Population is about 18,171, Hispanic Population is about 7,116, Asian Population is about 1,154, Hawaiian Population is about 27, Indian Population is about 1,169, Other Population is about 2,796. Average Houses in this area is 131,400. Average Income per Household is $27,036. Median Age of population is 29.7 years.

1907 Buena Vista SE Lot 181, Albuquerque, NM 87106 on the Map:

Listing #877775 on Google Street View:

NOTE: Information about Mobile property that situated on 1907 Buena Vista SE Lot 181, Albuquerque, NM 87106 was got from sources deemed reliable, however FreeRealEstateResources.com can't give warranty about listing details like price, agent contact information, property facts and status (foreclosed or not) because this information can be changed or withdrawal without notice. If You want to get more details about property please feel free to contact directly with this listing Agent or with property Owner.
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Realtor Info

Agent Name: Thomas Kuehn
Company Name: Sandia Affordable Homes
Phone#: (505) 463-2866


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