173 Canal Dr Ne, Ocean Shores, Washington 98569 - For Sale
The View: To Take Your Breath Away. The Price: To Let You Breathe. This amazing canal front home features the peace youve been looking for without breaking the bank. From the stunning canal view from your private dock, to the spectacular sunsets of Ocean Shores, this is the house youll be proud to call home. This Fannie Mae property can be purchase ... d for as little as 3% down, and is approved for a HomePath Renovation mortgage.
173 Canal Dr Ne - listing #929546
- Year Built: 1979
- Price: 129,900
- Letest update: 09/13/13
- Market Status: Under Contract
- Foreclosure Owner: Fannie Mae
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 1
- Living Area (SF): 1,920
- Sewer Type: Public
- Area Size (SF): 8250 sf
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-04-28 Updated: 2013-09-13
Ocean Shores, Washington 98569 US
(360) 500-1982 for more details.
Useful information about Ocean Shores, Washington 98569 location:
The population of this area is about 4,230. The Average count of Households in this area is 3,570. Black population is about 25, White Population is about 3,907, Hispanic Population is about 73, Asian Population is about 49, Hawaiian Population is about 4, Indian Population is about 99, Other Population is about 43. Average Houses in this area is 139,200. Average Income per Household is $32,331. Median Age of population is 51.2 years.
173 Canal Dr Ne, Ocean Shores, Washington 98569 on the Map:
Listing #929546 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: sean j. robles
Address: 421 West State Street,
Company Name: Premier Realty Grays Harbor
Phone#: (360) 500-1982
Email: [email protected]