11265 NW 55 LN # -, Miami, Florida 33178 - For Sale
Charming 2 story coachhome in Las Cascadas, a gated community in the desirable Doral. This delightful 4/2.5 features an upgraded kitchen w/quartz stone countertops, mosaic tile backsplash & SS appliances. Formal dining & living area w/crown moldings. All bedroom closets are equipped w/adjustable closet system. Ceiling fans in master bdrm & kitchen & master bdm includes a tray ceiling design. 2CG w/storage shelving. Location is great, "A"-rated schools, close to parks, dog park, shopping, & major highways. Features: Foyer Entry, Pantry, Cathedral/Tray Ceilings, Walk-In Closets, First Floor Entry, Fence, Patio
11265 NW 55 LN # - - listing #968017
- Year Built: 2001
- Price: 359,900
- MLS#: A1750948
- Letest update: 05/13/13
- Foreclosure Owner: Fannie Mae
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 2 / 1
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-05-13 Updated: 2013-05-13
Miami, Florida 33178 US
for more details.
Useful information about Miami, Florida 33178 location:
The population of this area is about 15,272. The Average count of Households in this area is 7,186. Black population is about 441, White Population is about 12,993, Hispanic Population is about 9,933, Asian Population is about 747, Hawaiian Population is about 3, Indian Population is about 6, Other Population is about 504. Average Houses in this area is 178,900. Average Income per Household is $61,897. Median Age of population is 33.3 years.
11265 NW 55 LN # -, Miami, Florida 33178 on the Map:
Listing #968017 on Google Street View:
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