118 Dogwood Cir, Rock Spring, Georgia 30739 - For Sale
Beautiful 3.7 acres! The one story home is located on 3.7 acres. The home features a large living room that would be perfect for a living room and dining room combo with fireplace, ceiling fan, lots of windows and tile flooring. The kitchen has an abundance of cabinets and counter space. The gourmet in the house will find plenty of cabinets to stor ... e pots, pans and plates! In addition, there is a laundry room with skylight, this will make completing the laundry a delightful experience! Also, the home has a master bedroom suite with walkin closet and master bathroom. There are 2 additional bedrooms and one other bathroom. The back of the home features a screened in porch for summer relaxing and fun! There is a barn, outbuilding and an additional building that would be great for an office or storage area. Part of the property is fenced. Great property for those in need of a barn and acreage. This is a Fannie Mae HomePath property. Purchase this property for as little as 3% down! This property is approved for HomePath Mortgage Financing. This property is approved for HomePath Renovation Mortgage Financing.
118 Dogwood Cir - listing #988722
- Year Built: 1964
- Price: 136,000
- Letest update: 05/29/13
- Market Status: Under Contract
- Foreclosure Owner: Fannie Mae
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2
- Living Area (SF): 1,714
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-05-29 Updated: 2013-05-29
Rock Spring, Georgia 30739 US
(423) 596-1568 for more details.
Useful information about Rock Spring, Georgia 30739 location:
The population of this area is about 3,708. The Average count of Households in this area is 1,382. Black population is about 172, White Population is about 3,484, Hispanic Population is about 28, Asian Population is about 3, Hawaiian Population is about 2, Indian Population is about 4, Other Population is about 12. Average Houses in this area is 79,700. Average Income per Household is $34,853. Median Age of population is 38.6 years.
118 Dogwood Cir, Rock Spring, Georgia 30739 on the Map:
Listing #988722 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: rolanda pullen
Address: 2125 Hickory Valley Road,
Company Name: Coldwell Banker Pryor Realty
Phone#: (423) 596-1568
Email: [email protected]