1617 Huckleberry Cir, Issaquah, Washington 98029 - For Sale
No Rental cap, 3-Level Condo with private parking, granite counters, Stainless Steel appliances, gas cook range, corner gas fireplace, hardwoods, crown moldings. Featuring high-end fixtures and appliance. Backs against greenbelt with trails and near all the new Ameneties of Issaquah Highlands Grand Ridge Plaza. Shopping, Restaurants, Regal Cinemas, ... transit and much more. Special assessment of $304.21 p/month until 2026 for new siding and deck.
1617 Huckleberry Cir - listing #989713
- Year Built: 2000
- Price: 199,990
- Letest update: 08/02/13
- Market Status: Under Contract
- Foreclosure Owner: Fannie Mae
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 1
- Living Area (SF): 1,214
- Sewer Type: Public
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-05-30 Updated: 2013-08-02
Issaquah, Washington 98029 US
(206) 660-1078 for more details.
Useful information about Issaquah, Washington 98029 location:
The population of this area is about 28,427. The Average count of Households in this area is 10,511. Black population is about 222, White Population is about 24,201, Hispanic Population is about 718, Asian Population is about 2,964, Hawaiian Population is about 33, Indian Population is about 76, Other Population is about 188. Average Houses in this area is 356,600. Average Income per Household is $91,146. Median Age of population is 36.0 years.
1617 Huckleberry Cir, Issaquah, Washington 98029 on the Map:
Listing #989713 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: trish johanson
Address: 40 Lake Bellevue 100,
Company Name: Kate and Company Realtors
Phone#: (206) 660-1078
Email: [email protected]