Homes For Rent in Fort Lauderdale, FL - Fort Lauderdale real estate listings
Feel free to search through Homes For Rent in Fort Lauderdale, Florida by MLS#, City, Zip, Address and Property type. Great resource for search Fort Lauderdale real estate because our site includes listings from many sources like Banks, Fort Lauderdale HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development), Fort Lauderdale USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and Fort Lauderdale VA (Veterans Affairs) and other types of real estate for sale.
Browse Fort Lauderdale, FL Homes For Rent
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Total - 19121 Homes For Rent in Fort Lauderdale city, FL
- City: Plantation (Broward)
- State: Florida
- Zip-Code: 33322
- Type: Condo
- Price: 1,500
Beds: 2
Bath: 2
MLS#: A10135983
Sep 25, 2016 -
- City: Plantation (Broward)
- State: Florida
- Zip-Code: 33322
- Type: Condo
- Price: 1,625
Beds: 2
Bath: 2
MLS#: A10196720
Jan 19, 2017 -
- City: Plantation (Broward)
- State: Florida
- Zip-Code: 33324
- Type: Townhouse
- Price: 1,950
Beds: 3
Bath: 2 / 1
MLS#: F1316246
Feb 16, 2015 -
- City: Plantation (Broward)
- State: Florida
- Zip-Code: 33324
- Type: Condo
- Price: 1,350
Beds: 2
Bath: 2
MLS#: F1326996
Feb 16, 2015 -
- City: Plantation (Broward)
- State: Florida
- Zip-Code: 33317
- Type: Condo
- Price: 1,275
Beds: 2
Bath: 2
MLS#: F1297759
Sep 15, 2014 -
- City: Plantation (Broward)
- State: Florida
- Zip-Code: 33324
- Type: Townhouse
- Price: 1,500
Beds: 3
Bath: 2
MLS#: A1748248
Apr 15, 2014 -
- City: Plantation (Broward)
- State: Florida
- Zip-Code: 33322
- Type: Condo
- Price: 1,600
Beds: 3
Bath: 2
MLS#: A1742282
May 27, 2014 -
- City: Plantation (Broward)
- State: Florida
- Zip-Code: 33325
- Type: Townhouse
- Price: 2,150
Beds: 3
Bath: 2 / 1
MLS#: A1914911
Apr 19, 2014 -
- City: Plantation (Broward)
- State: Florida
- Zip-Code: 33322
- Type: Condo
- Price: 1,250
Beds: 2
Bath: 2
MLS#: F1282404
Apr 11, 2014 -
- City: Plantation (Broward)
- State: Florida
- Zip-Code: 33317
- Type: Residential Rental
- Price: 1,950
Beds: 3
Bath: 2
MLS#: A1936514
Apr 19, 2014