Homes For Sale in Atlanta, GA - Atlanta real estate listings
Feel free to search through Homes For Sale in Atlanta, Georgia by MLS#, City, Zip, Address and Property type. Great resource for search Atlanta real estate because our site includes listings from many sources like Banks, Atlanta HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development), Atlanta USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and Atlanta VA (Veterans Affairs) and other types of real estate for sale.
Browse Atlanta, GA Homes For Sale
- City: Atlanta (Fulton)
- State: GA
- Zip-Code: 30307
- Type: Condominium
- Price: 355,000
Beds: 3
Bath: 3.50
Feb 23, 2014 -
- City: Sandy Springs (Fulton)
- State: GA
- Zip-Code: 30328
- Type: Condominium
- Price: 351,300
Beds: 3
Bath: 3.50
Jul 1, 2014 -
- City: Atlanta (Fulton)
- State: GA
- Zip-Code: 30331
- Type: Residential
- Price: 346,500
Beds: 6
Bath: 4.50
Apr 17, 2014 -
- City: Sandy Springs (Fulton)
- State: GA
- Zip-Code: 30350
- Type: Condominium
- Price: 346,750
Beds: 4
Bath: 3.50
Mar 12, 2014 -
- City: Sandy Springs (Fulton)
- State: GA
- Zip-Code: 30350
- Type: Condominium
- Price: 346,900
Beds: 4
Bath: 3.50
Feb 24, 2014 -
- City: Atlanta (Dekalb)
- State: GA
- Zip-Code: 30360
- Type: Residential
- Price: 345,000
Beds: 4
Bath: 3.50
Jul 2, 2014 -
- City: Cumming (Fulton)
- State: GA
- Zip-Code: 30349
- Type: Residential
- Price: 347,695
Beds: 5
Bath: 4.00
Jan 8, 2014 -
- City: Atlanta (Fulton)
- State: GA
- Zip-Code: 30308
- Type: Condominium
- Price: 329,900
Beds: 2
Bath: 2.00
Mar 31, 2014 -
- City: Atlanta (Fulton)
- State: GA
- Zip-Code: 30309
- Type: Condominium
- Price: 339,900
Beds: 2
Bath: 2.00
Jun 4, 2014 -
- City: Dunwoody (Dekalb)
- State: GA
- Zip-Code: 30338
- Type: Residential
- Price: 329,000
Beds: 4
Bath: 2.50
May 23, 2014
Browse Homes For Sale listings in Atlanta GA by ZipCodes:
30311 30342 30310 30318 30308 30331 30316 30328 30349 30341 30340 30319 30339 30337 30324 30317 30345 30363 30303 30338 30344 30314 30354 30312 30309 30315 30307 30329 30313 30360 30306 30305 30327 30350 30326 30336 30346 30364 31192 31150 30321 30301 30334 30348 30380 30330 30388 30302 30357 30343 30355 30347 30376 30304 30370 30374 30332 30368 30353 30325 30387 39901 30333 30320 30358