Homes For Sale in New York, NY - New York real estate listings
Feel free to search through Homes For Sale in New York, New York by MLS#, City, Zip, Address and Property type. Great resource for search New York real estate because our site includes listings from many sources like Banks, New York HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development), New York USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and New York VA (Veterans Affairs) and other types of real estate for sale.
Browse New York, NY Homes For Sale
- City: Other City Value - Out Of Area (New York)
- State: FL
- Zip-Code: 10025
- Type: Condo
- Price: $895,000
Beds: 1
Bath: 1
MLS#: F1168394
Feb 10, 2012 -
- City: Other City Value - Out Of Area (New York)
- State: FL
- Zip-Code: 10101
- Type: Single Family
- Price: $310,000
Beds: 6
Bath: 3
MLS#: A1570558
Feb 10, 2012 -
- City: New York (New York)
- State: New York
- Zip-Code: 10010
- Type: Condos
- Price: $1,495,000
Beds: 1
Bath: 2
Dec 19, 2011 -
- City: New York (New York)
- State: NY
- Zip-Code: 10013
- Type: Apartments
- Price: $3,950,000
Beds: 2
Bath: 2
Apr 15, 2013 -
- City: New York (New York)
- State: NY
- Zip-Code: 10022
- Type: Apartments
- Price: $3,000,000
Beds: 3
Bath: 3.5
Sep 21, 2012 -
- City: New York (New York)
- State: NY
- Zip-Code: 10002
- Type: CO - OP
- Price: $379,000
Beds: 0
Bath: 0
Oct 3, 2011 -
- City: New York (New York)
- State: NY
- Zip-Code: 10012
- Type: Cooperative
- Price: 999,900
Beds: 2
Bath: 1
MLS#: 404117
Jul 29, 2013 -
- City: New York City (New York)
- State: NY
- Zip-Code: 10128
- Type: Condo/Townhouse
- Price: $400,000
Beds: 1
Bath: 1
MLS#: 3110850
Sep 1, 2011 -
- City: New York City (New York)
- State: NY
- Zip-Code: 10012
- Type: Condo/Townhouse
- Price: $825,000
Beds: 1
Bath: 1
MLS#: 3113595
Sep 1, 2011 -
- City: New York City (New York)
- State: NY
- Zip-Code: 10016
- Type: Condo/Townhouse
- Price: $509,900
Beds: 0
Bath: 1
MLS#: 3115901
Sep 1, 2011
Browse Homes For Sale listings in New York NY by ZipCodes:
10036 10025 10031 10002 10280 10065 10034 10040 10174 10022 10016 10012 10128 10013 10010 10101 10075 10014 10030 10017 10019 10035 10265 10069 10196 10156 10169 10165 10105 10155 10011 10129 10278 10260 10277 10178 10028 10157 10021 10055 10177 10176 10003 10121 10275 10044 10110 10114 10015 10212 10024 10107 10116 10103 10111 10132 10081 10242 10072 10175 10118 10163 10102 10213 10179 10090 10113 10126 10203 10007 10004 10018 10109 10152 10009 10038 10115 10043 10131 10166 10168 10158 10005 10027 10125 10104 10119 10023 10006 10033